

Friday, 13 November 2020


Love is the colour red it is like getting hugged .

Happiness is the colour light green its like laughing for long.

Fear is the colour Gray its like being locked in a room by your self and you cant stop crying 

Peace is the colour pink because its like lollies .

loneliness is like the colour black because its like being locked out of the world.

Confusion is the colour brown it is like not knowing what is happening   


Tuesday, 3 November 2020


Today we have been learning learnt about angles and we have been using a tool called protractors and we went out side and found a lot of stuff that was 90 degrees.It is easy to tell what is a 90 degrees angles because 90 degrees have a square were the angle is.90 degree angels are easy I think that they are the easiest.

It was challenging to figure out were to put the pro tractor.